GSP Update

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GSP (Guardian Service Processor) Firmware Update

Minimum GSP Firmware for Entry-Level HP9000 Servers

PF_CPREGSPA0112         A.01.12   rp2400/rp2450
PF_CHARGSPC0214         C.02.14   rp2400/rp2450
PF_CHARGSPC0214         C.02.14   rp2430/rp2470
PF_CPREGSPA0112         A.01.12   rp5400/rp5450
PF_CCANGSPB0220         B.02.20   rp5430/rp5470  Modell A6696B
PF_CPREGSPA0112         A.01.12   rp7400
PF_CCANGSPB0220         B.02.20   rp7400

Latest Firmware updates:

  • Version: B.02.21 (29 Jun 2006) File name: PF_CCANGSPB0221.tar.gz (1.2 MB)


  • it seems the A6696B needs a CR2032 battery replacement

Update process

You need a FTP server. On Linux I used the vsftpd FTP server, but you need to increase the timeout values!


The firmware update should take no more than 5 minutes.

Prior to Installation:
Unpacking the Firmware.
Download "PF_CCANGSPB0221.tar.gz" and FTP to an empty directory on an FTP server with the core I/O LAN on the same subnet as the GSP to be updated.
Use the "gunzip" command to unzip the patch:
# gunzip PF_CCANGSPB0221.tar.gz
Use the "tar" command to extract the firmware files:
        # tar -xvf PF_CCANGSPB0221.tar
        x B0221.bin, 2189356 bytes, 4277 tape blocks
        x Resources.out, 504267 bytes, 985 tape blocks
        x gsp_a_upg.cnf, 200 bytes, 1 tape blocks
        x version.dat, 16 bytes, 1 tape blocks
Verify the checksum of the files using the "cksum" command. Results of the command should be equal to the following output:
        # cksum
        2674512762 2189356 B0221.bin
        1537136308 504267  Resources.out
        744137293 200 gsp_upg.cnf
        4278717776 16 version.dat
Installation Instructions:
Establish a telnet session with the GSP.
Logon to the GSP.
Type CTRL-ecf to get console write access.
Type CTRL-b to enter the GSP.
Ping the LAN where the GSP files are located via the XD command item #3.
      GSP> xd


      Non destructive tests :
         1. Parameters checksum
         2. I2C access (get Power Monitor status)
         3. LAN access (PING)
         4. Modem selftests
         5. Secondary I2C access (get System status)

      Type R to reset the GSP or [Q] to quit the diagnostic

      -> Choice: 3
      Enter IP Address:
This test must pass on the server being used to supply the update files.
Reset the GSP via the XD command (use the R option). This will free up any unallocated memory for the GSP update.
      GSP> xd


      Non destructive tests :
         1. Parameters checksum
         2. I2C access (get Power Monitor status)
         3. LAN access (PING)
         4. Modem selftests
         5. Secondary I2C access (get System status)

      Type R to reset the GSP or [Q] to quit the diagnostic

      -> Choice: r

      The GSP is now being reset...
Select the GSP command XU. This command activates the upgrade mode. Update the GSP firmware to the B.02.21 firmware.
      GSP> xu


      This command activates the upgrade mode. All
      connections will be closed ,the session will be
      aborted and the modem connection will be dropped
      immediately, web and telnet connections will be
      dropped upon completion. Please, confirm your
      intention to activate the upgrade mode (Y/[N]) : y


      Enter source system IP address:

      Enter file path: (ENTER PATH TO THE FIRMWARE FILES)

      Do you wish to use the default login: anonymous / (Y/[N]) :
      y (if using
      n (if using local server and local server login is
      IE: if root then supply root password

      GSP> xu

      -> GSP firmware upgrade in progress

      Retrieved an upgrade file successfully.
      Programming ROM.  Percent Complete: 100.

      Retrieved an upgrade file successfully.
      Programming ROM.  Percent Complete: 100.

      -> GSP firmware upgrade complete - Web and telnet
      connections will be dropped.  GSP will now reset....