Offline Diagnostic Environment (ODE)

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Offline Diagnostic Environment (ODE) is a anvironment to test various hardware present in HP700/800 servers. It is usually distributed as ISO image, which contains a LIF image with ISL + ODE binary + other data. To boot it in qemu, it is sufficient to boot it:

Booting ODE

qemu-system-hppa -boot d -cdrom hp9000offlinediagnosticpa0512/HP9000\ Offline\ Diagnostic\ Environment\ PA0512\ \(Hewlett-Packard\ Development\ Company,\ L.P.\)\(2005\).iso

This will boot to ISL:

HARD Booted.

ISL Revision A.00.44  Mar 12, 2003 

   Cannot find an auto-execute file.  AUTOBOOT ABORTED.


Typing ode will start the diagnostic environment. It is possible to start a specific test by adding it to ode:


will start the PCXL2 CPU tests. This will ask for a password, in qemu it's usually 'quality'

ISL_CMD> l2diag

******                                                               ******
******                             L2DIAG                            ******
******                                                               ******
******       Copyright (C) 1995-2000 by Hewlett-Packard Company      ******
******                       All Rights Reserved                     ******
******                                                               ******
******   This program may only be used by HP support personnel and   ******
******   those customers with the appropriate Class license or       ******
******   Node license for systems specified by the license.  HP      ******
******   shall not be liable for any damages resulting from misuse   ******
******   or unauthorized use of this program.  This program          ******
******   remains the property of HP.                                 ******
******                                                               ******
******                         Version A.01.13                       ******
******                                                               ******

Type DIAGINFO for test information.

Enter password or a <CR> to exit:

Type HELP for command information.

No other processors logged in.


diaginfo provides some useful information:

L2DIAG> diaginfo

L2DIAG is the PCXL2 ODE based diagnostic program.  It is intended
to test the processor of the various PCXL2 based systems in the offline
environment.  The program consists of 119 sections, 1/119,
and are organized into the following groups: 

   1.  CPU data path tests, Sections 1/6 (6 sections)
   2.  ICACHE tests, Sections 7/10 (4 sections)
   3.  DCACHE tests, Sections 11/17 (7 sections)
   4.  2nd Level Cache tests, Sections 18/21 (4 sections)
   5.  TLB tests, Sections 22/27 (6 sections)
   6.  CPU instruction tests, Sections 28/76 (49 sections)
   7.  CPU extended tests, Sections 77/88  (12 sections)
   8.  Floating point tests, Sections  89/119 (31 sections)

A test or range of test can be selected by 'section X or section X/Y' where X is the starting test number, and Y the ending test number. If only X is specified, only test X is run.

Useful ODE tools

Tools of interest on the ODE ISO
Tools Description Comment
L2DIAG PCXL2 diag useful for testing 32 bit CPU emulation in qemu
WDIAG PCXW diag useful for testing 64 bit CPU emulation in qemu

Known issues/test failures

Known test failures in WDIAG
Section Test Comment
63 PSW-B bit Not emulated due to performance reasons
65 dcor not investigated yet
66 shladd not investigated yet
71 PSW-X bit Not emulated due to performance reasons
72  ?? not investigated yet
73 b,gate not investigated yet
74  ?? not investigated yet
75 b,gate not investigated yet
77 ds not investigated yet
79-86 TLB? hangs