Random Reverse Engineering Notes

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Memory Layout J5000

fffffff0f0400000 - unknown, assumed EEPROM, but content different than what eepromread returns
fffffff0f05d0000 - LCD

PDC PAGE0 processor specific

0x640: code that will be executed when PDC_PROC(0) is called, loop with nops:
  0x00000640  e81f1ff5  08000240  08000240  08000240
  0x00000650  08000240  08000240  08000240  08000240
  0x00000660  08000240  08000240  08000240  08000240
  0x00000670  08000240  08000240  08000240  08000240
0x680: OS rendezvous code

Undocumented PDC routines

0x81: EEPROM read/write